Monday, October 29, 2007

Everything is Possible

Today is as good as any other to speak about miracles. As the saying goes: Everything is possible with God, miracles may take a little longer.

We see happenings everyday and are sometimes moved by miracles without even knowing it. God is oftentimes known or called Nature and if you happen to be living in the U.S. then you would have read about the man whose house was spared the ravaging fires that are still sweeping through California, yet sparing some homes just when the wind changed direction. He thought that it was embarrassing for him when all his neighbours' houses were burnt to the ground but his was left intact. Now, would you call that a miracle?

For those who do not believe in miracles it is just a thought away and we can say that being born is already often referred to as 'the miracle of birth'. One such event happened recently when a mother on her way to hospital delivered her baby in the taxi and so the driver would certainly call that a miracle that happened.

Some of the attachments to this particular post are ones that I would consider to be miracles in their magnitude, magnificience and might of human endeavour in their creation. Enjoy the sights and sounds of these modern-day miracles, at these links, or at least the ones that will show up.

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